I know, I know...bad Josey! I've been trying to find some time to add new posts but I have less than two weeks to edit my short film, plus I'm moving across the province at the end of May and I have a million little things to do.
I'm currently transferring all of my footage onto a new workstation and I have about 2 hours of hang time...it's a good thing I brought my laptop today.10. Teapots. Anyone who knows me is aware of my intense love for tea, tea ware and anything in between. That said, yah teapots!
9. Jelly Beans. Mmmmm, jelly bellies!
8. Luc Besson's new film: Les Aventures Extraordinaires d'Adele Blanc-Sec. Check out the trailer below, it looks kick ass! Plus it's french and directed by Luc who also did The Fifth Element.
7. Pot Bellied Pigs. I recently moved on from hamsters to piggies....Dave isn't impressed. Haha.
6. Record Players. I love vinyl; I love the sound, the look, the feel. I want a pretty little record player to play my collection. I'm supposed to get one this summer, but I don't know if I'll have room for the whole system in my new apartment.
5. Making French Toast with David. Watching him attempt to crack an egg with one hand is simultaneously cute and funny; plus, it's more fun to make!
4. Ruffles. Who doesn't love a little cuteness in their lives?
3. edamame. It's my new go to snack! I'm obsessed with them.
2. Lush Cosmetics. I recently discovered the greatness that is Lush Cosmetics. My friend has been trying to convince me for years but I could never bring myself to spend 15$ on something as weird as shampoo in a bar form. Well, I finally bought some and I'm in love! I got the kind for blonde hair and it leaves my whole head happy!
1. Hair Cut. So I've been trying to grow out my hair, mostly because I'm too poor and have no time to visit a hairstylist. I'm not used to having such long hair and its starting to drive me insane; plus it looks like crap, if anything, I need a trim. So I'm debating wether I aught to cut it really short of keep a medium length. Here a few cuts that I like but ignore the dye jobs, I'd be keeping my natural blonde.
Let me know what you think!
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