Thursday, December 16, 2010

Clay Scrub

As you guys know, I'm a huge fan of polymer clay (it's what my handcrafted jewellery is made of) but cleaning your hands after a day of creating can leave you with really rough hands. I found a scrub recipe from the Polymer Clay Cookbook that is supposed to not only rid your hands of annoying clay residue but also leave your hands nice and soft. 

Here's the recipe, let me know how you guys like it or what other products you use to fight annoying polymer clay residue.

Clay Be Gone Sugar Scrub
from Polymer Clay Cookbook

1/8 cup of salt
1/4 cup of granulated sugar
1/4 cup of liquid soap
1/8 cup of olive oil
Clean jelly jar 

yields: just under 1 cup of scrub.

In a clean jelly jar, add salt and sugar, mix well. Add soap and olive oil and incorporate using a fork.

That's all there is to it folks! To use, simply scoop a small amount into dry hands, scrub gently then add a bit of water and scrub some more. Rinse and wash away.

There you have it, a simple hand scrub.



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