I'm always adding to my Etsy store, so keep looking! I have few easter themed items going up later tonight. But now enough of Etsy, I feel like it's been dominating my life lately, so time for a bit of fun! Here's what I've been enjoying and loving as of late.
10. Mad Men. I am MAD about Mad Men; horrible pun intended! I never watched this show despite all the rave and Christina Hendricks being in it. I don't have a TV but I like watching streaming series, especially when I'm doing stuff like cooking or being crafty. I like the background noise and its nice to watch something else while I'm working with my hands. My love is ever growing for this awesome show and did I mention that Christina Hendricks is in it? She's really the only reason I gave it chance, because as soon as she appeared onto the screen my attention was all on Mad Men. Also, Mad Men photography is greatness.
9. Food Blogs. I've been meaning to add this to the 10 Things list for a while now but somehow I would always forget. Food blogs are utter greatness, but be forewarned: looking at them will make you hungry and make you want to create amazing food. I like to call these blogs: food porn and you'll see why; the food photography is fantastic! What I wouldn't do for a Nikon D90...le sigh. So for your enjoyment, here are a few of my favourite food blogs:
8. Making Cupcake Earrings. I'm having so much fun making different kinds of cupcake earrings right now and I have a bunch of "flavours" floating in my head but am always open to ideas! Here's my favourite cupcake earrings thus far; I even made a pair for myself.
7. My New iPod Case. I've been meaning to share this for a bit now, but anyway...David went to Toronto a couple of weeks ago and brought me a lovely little gift: a new ipod case. I LOVES IT!
6. Bento Boxes. Before Chirstmas time I was obsessed with these! I even made my own grown up versions everyday for school lunches. It took me forever to make them but they were so fun and looked really good and colourful. Here's a few pictures of some outlandish art bento; some moms in Japan actually make these daily for their kids!
5. Domo-Kun. Haha, oh Domo, I love that crazy fuzzy little guy. Seriously, I squeal when I see anything with him on it, except for the last picture, all I have to say is: weird...
4. This Picture.
We Heart It. I've been going to this website a lot lately, mostly for inspiration but also for when I'm bored. So many pretty pictures!
2. Alice Inspired Photography.
1. Paper Art.
Well that's it for now, I'm leaving you all with a summer time picture as it's currently snowing here and I long for green grass and sunshine.
Have a nice day,